Monday, June 18, 2007

Oh my dear sweet Lord

When my dear friend, Queen Bee, failed to acquire tickets for Glasto, despite the best efforts of her girl in the Motherland, she said something to the effect of-

"I just know that Pete and Carlos are going to have some big Libs reunion at Glastonbury, and I'll miss it."

And so, this may come to pass..... Poor baby....
Following Pete Doherty and Carl Barat's first recording session in three years on Friday (June 15), there are now rumours the pair will play another gig together at Glastonbury this weekend.


Kazza said...

We'll hope it's just a rumor!

laurab said...

see, i knew it, i knew it. bloody hell.

but it's ok. because am going next year.

*keeps repeating same to self*

and you, dear cygirl, are coming along.

CyFlorist said...

Oh hell YES we're going next year!

However am I going to achieve my life-long ambition of being a rock courtesan to some Brit boy, if I'm never around Limey rockers?