Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Acoustic Superstar

My theory on the Mercury Prize? Arctics, The Winehouse and Klaxons are going to split the vote, and Wee The View lads will walk away with the award.

In the Same Jeans that they've had on for four days now, with their Face(s)For the Radio.

They'll Dance Into the Night with Claudia and the Wasted Little DJs.

After going to their Grans For Tea with The Don and Skag Trendy.

No Posh Boys allowed, though.

I'll just shut up now.

Here's Wee Kyle and Wee Pete-



Kazza said...

Hmmm interesting theory. Now Arctics won already right? And Winehouse too? I haven't kept up on this...

CyFlorist said...

Yep, Arctics won for their first album, Dizzee for his and Amy was nominated for hers.

The Sheffy boys, Amo and little ravers Klaxons will split it; the wee lads from Dundee will walk away with the award.

We'll find out on Sept. 4