Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mmmmm, ribbon

The pic is from a post on Housemartin, one of my favorite design-y blogs. Her floral work is outstanding. Very pretty, but with lots of unusual elements like figs and berries.

However, it seems that most florists are somewhat obsessed with ribbon, and I am no exception. I love it. Love it. Would have a ribbon room if I had enough money. Look at that lovely stuff- double-faced silk satin ribbon is made by angels. Or you know, ribbon-makers.



Kazza said...

Uh yeah. Second the hee bit.

That room is too girly for me but I admit it's very very cool.

Cygirl said...

I get the giggles just looking at ribbon now.

And it's way too girlie for me, too- I'd paint the furniture black.....